Typography is integral in UI design to get the best out of your design. Fonts set the tone in your interface, and beginners need to know what font types they can use in their design.
In this blog, we will explore the different types of font families and how we can use them in our UI design.
The 4 major font families
When you are starting out in UI design, keep in mind the following typefaces or font types that have laid the foundation for many years in design:
- Serif
Serif font types are fonts that have extended feet at the top and the bottom of the letters. They are the most traditional font family in typography, and people utilize them mainly in print.
It makes it pleasantly comfortable to read for users. Hence, we widely use it in novels and company brochures. Some of the common examples of serif fonts are Times New Roman, Garamond, and Georgia.
Serif fonts are best utilized in professional circumstances such as company logos or business proposals. They make corporate presentations look professional and emphasize the focus on the content.
- Sans Serif
In French, San means “Without” Hence, San serif means fonts that do not have those extended feet. They give a cleaner look to your design and are widely used in the digital era.
It looks more visually pleasing on a digital screen. Some examples of San serif fonts include Arial, Futura, Didot, and Helvetica.
People universally recognize San Serif fonts and can be used in numerous designs to give that aesthetically gratifying look. We can utilize them in professional brochures to promote a company or social media posts for content marketing.
- Script
Script fonts mimic our handwriting, so it gives a natural and nostalgic feel to our designs. It is mainly in cursive and gives a breath of fresh air in our designs. Script fonts consist of formal, calligraphy, and casual scripts.
It is essential to use these fonts in the right circumstances to give some context and harmony to your design. Some top script fonts are Honeycomb, Sophia, Rising Star, Brush Script, and Snell Roundhand.
Script fonts are not as professional as compared to our Serif and San Serif font families. Therefore, it is ideal not to use it a lot in your design. However, it is best to utilize them in company logos or flyers to grab the viewer’s attention.
- Decorative
The last font family we will cover are decorative fonts, and these font types usually lack some basic structure. They bring a uniqueness to your design that stands out when used accurately.
They display in different forms and exhibit playfulness for the viewer. Some of the best decorative font types include Stencil, Grunge, and Atlantika.
Decorative fonts bring creativeness to your designs, and it is ideal to utilize them at a bare minimum and not frequently. We should look to incorporate them for large headings in marketing flyers or promotional content.
Few tips on how to use your fonts in your UI design
It is essential to take note of the following tips on how the fonts you choose are utilized well in your design:
- Establish a hierarchy in your texts, and not use the same font for every text. Utilize a variety, for example, one font for all the headers and another for the body text.
- Use legible fonts and make your text readable to anyone using your interface, including those suffering from any form of disability.
- Incorporate appropriate colors with your fonts to convey the tone of your message. Apply color theory to understand what color to use in your fonts.
- Ensure there is a contrast in your design. Use fonts that stand out in your interface, and the background does not interfere.
- Kindly allow consistency in your design. Use fonts consistently in your design, for example, one font for all call-to-action buttons.
What are the best fonts to start with?
There are numerous font options to choose from, and we often consume time experimenting to find the perfect one. As a beginner, you can apply the Massimo Vignelli approach.
What is the Massimo Vignelli approach, you may wonder?
The legendary Italian designer has inspired designers by only using 6 fonts in his work. Yes! Only 6 fonts for every project he has worked on for his clients. That was all it was needed to get the best results in graphical design. And Vignelli believes you can do the same and improve your designs with a minimalistic approach.
The fonts he used were as follows:

It is preferable to start with the above fonts in your UI designs and examine the results. It helps you not be too overwhelmed with countless choices and start out using well-proven fonts. Then, it is best to explore new and different fonts slowly from there.
Write your future in design….
We are spoiled with choices, but without a doubt, we have enough quality fonts that can bring the best results in our UI design.
After exploring and learning about the different font types in this blog, are you ready to utilize the best fonts in your UI design?